Sunday 22 November 2009

Sakurachan Kochikochi

If there is ever a project that embodied the whole, "I'll get round to it someday when I have time" excuse it's this. This actually got started waaaaay back in 2005 when someone on 4chan kindly provided the scripts because for some reason I was obsessed with the artist, Ohkura Bekkan and not the Cardcaptor Sakura series which I still haven't watched. Unfortunately the color pages and the text over artwork was far too much for me to handle 4 years ago with my PS7 and my newbie skills which was why it sat on a HDD moving from PC to PC whenever the power supply died. And since I just want to put this doujin to rest after all these years, I thought, "fuck it" and just get it out there.

So anyways the content for this is Sakura getting caught schlicking by her brother and then some sexxoring. Bonus page includes Tomoyo watersports and then some random wtf explanation. I really don't know why I wanted this doujin translated so badly in the first place. Maybe it was just the purdy colors. Obviously times have changed and I've been introduced to a ton of artists that I'm obsessed with... and then forget.

Now available in the project page.

Also, still on the hunt for translators or translators wanting an editor. Just drop me an email at

1 comment:

  1. Umm, sorry but someone apparently already edited this same script back in September 2006...
    You did a better job of it, however; thanks for the hard work.

    BTW if you don't mind futanari (and narrow balloons), I think Yuribou right now has an opening for an editor for Gura Nyuuto's Delusion...
